Why is There Such a Large Gap in Quality and Price Between Human Hair Wigs?

Release time:2023-09-07 16:30

Why is There Such a Large Gap in Quality and Price Between Human Hair Wigs?

Material quality - The material quality of human hair wigs directly affects their quality and price. High quality human hair wigs usually use premium braided hair, resulting in better texture and feel, thus the relatively higher price. Lower quality human hair or mixed with other inferior materials results in poorer quality and lower prices.

Manufacturing process - Intricate handmade production requires more time and skill, hence the higher cost. Machine-woven or simpler handmade methods have lower prices in comparison.

Density and length - Human hair wigs with higher density and longer length equate to higher prices. The opposite leads to lower prices.

Brand and sales channels - Well-known brands usually have higher quality assurances and prices. Human hair wigs bought in high-end malls or professional salons usually cost more, while some online platforms have relatively lower prices.

Supply and demand - If supply is scarce and demand is high in the market, prices will rise accordingly.

In summary, the large gap in human hair wig quality and pricing can be attributed to differences in source material quality, manufacturing process complexity, density and length factors, brand reputation and sales avenues, as well as basic supply and demand economics.
