Ways To Make You Wig Look More Nature

Release time:2023-08-25 13:41

There are few things that a person can do to keep their synthetic wigs as natural looking "as possible" but it does require some maintenance and a reality check. Synthetic wigs are not real hair, they are synthetic. You can make them look as natural as possible but the reality is that they are not made out of real human hair and over time, the hair quality and fibres are going to change making the hair look unnatural or synthetic.


1) Understand that synthetic hair longevity as noted by wig manufacturers worldwide is 90 days with washing in between every 6-8 wears. Please don't fool yourself into thinking that your wig looks just like it did when you pulled it out the box 3 or 4 months ago. It just doesn't. We can tell you have a wig on!


2) Know how to properly take care of your wig. It is synthetic so that means you should only be using product that is designed for synthetic hair fibres. A wig cap will help you keep the inside of the wig, rub free, and odour scent free, and the formulated wig shampoos and wig sheens will combat any frizzing or matting of the hair that tends to make it look "wiggy" over time. This is most important after washing the wigs, as it should be sprayed with a sheen or wig conditioner and left to dry for best results.


3) Comb or brush your wig just as you would your own hair and position the wig on your head to match your hairline. Too often customers think that now that they have a wig, they can just put it and go. Yes, the wigs might be pre-styled but you still need comb them or brush them in some sort of style to suit your face. If the wig does not sit correctly on your head, you may have to adjust the straps inside the cap for a firmer hold or you may need the use of tape and glue.


There are several ways to make your wig look more natural. Here are some tips:

1. Choose the right wig: Select a wig made with high-quality synthetic or human hair. Look for wigs that closely resemble your natural hair texture, color, and length.

2. Customize the hairline: Most wigs have a noticeable hairline, so it's crucial to make it look more natural. Plucking a few hairs from the hairline and using tweezers can create a more realistic and thinner hairline.

3. Use makeup: Apply foundation or concealer that matches your scalp color to the parting area of the wig. This helps create the illusion of a scalp, making the wig appear more natural.

4. Cut and style the wig: Take your wig to a professional stylist who can customize the cut and style according to your face shape and preference. The right cut can make the wig look more natural and flattering.

5. Add baby hairs: Using a small toothbrush and hair gel, gently brush some stray hairs at the hairline to create baby hairs. This adds a realistic touch and softens the hairline.

6. Wear a wig cap: A wig cap helps secure your natural hair and provides a smooth base for the wig. It also helps prevent the wig from slipping or looking bulky.

7. Secure the wig properly: Using bobby pins or wig clips, ensure that the wig is securely attached to your head. This helps the wig stay in place and prevents it from looking unnatural.

8. Avoid excessive shine: Synthetic wigs often have a shiny appearance. To reduce shine, you can lightly dust the wig with a little bit of talcum powder or use special wig powder designed to reduce shine.

9. Style with heat (for human hair wigs): If you have a human hair wig, you can style it using heat tools such as straighteners or curling irons. Be sure to use a heat protectant spray before styling to avoid damaging the wig.

10. Take care of your wig: Regularly wash and condition your wig according to the manufacturer's instructions to keep it looking fresh and natural. Proper maintenance will help preserve the wig's quality and appearance.

There is nothing like being able to wear a wig confidently and know that everyone thinks you just have a great new hair style. It can be done. We have worked with customers who have fooled even their spouses just by using a few of the trick and tips provided above for a wig that looks like your own natural hair.
