Applying Moxibustion During "San Fu Tian": Important Differences for Children

Release time:2023-09-27 15:37

Applying Moxibustion During "San Fu Tian": Important Differences for Children

As "San Fu Tian" (Three Fu Days) approaches, it's crucial for parents to understand that using moxibustion with herbal pastes on children requires special attention. For children with weaker constitutions or frequent colds, moxibustion can help strengthen their bodies. However, parents should be aware that there are significant differences in dosage and application time for children compared to adults. Dr. Li Ziping, Chief Physician of the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department at Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, offers valuable advice to ensure children's safety and effectiveness.

Children Suitable for Moxibustion

Moxibustion with herbal pastes is particularly effective for children with constitutions leaning towards deficiency and yang deficiency. It can be beneficial for preventing and treating conditions such as allergic rhinitis, chronic cough (including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and allergic cough), chronic pharyngitis, and preventing colds in children with weak lung systems. It may also have some effect on bedwetting in children.

Children Unsuitable for Moxibustion

Children with severe cardiovascular or pulmonary conditions, allergies to moxibustion herbs, or skin injuries should not undergo moxibustion treatment.

Due to the delicate and sensitive skin of infants and young children, they are more prone to skin burns. It is advisable to exercise caution when considering moxibustion treatment for children under two years old. However, if the child's condition necessitates treatment, it should be done under a doctor's guidance, and the application time should not exceed 10 minutes.

Recommended Moxibustion Time for Children: 15-30 Minutes for 3-Year-Olds

Children require approximately half the moxibustion time compared to adults. For example, a 3-year-old child should typically undergo moxibustion for 15 to 30 minutes. Monitoring should be based on the child's skin sensitivity and tolerance to heat. Once redness appears on the skin after removing the herbal paste, it can be considered complete. It should not be left on for too long to avoid skin burns.

Herbal Paste Dosage for Children: Half or Less Than an Adult

When seeking moxibustion treatment at a hospital, the doctor will typically determine the appropriate herbal paste dosage based on the child's age, constitution, and other factors. Parents can trust this professional judgment.

However, when applying herbal paste at home for children, the dosage should generally be less than that for adults. Depending on the child's age, it should be around half or even less of the dosage used for adults.

Children Crying Excessively During Moxibustion: Shorten the Duration

Moxibustion with herbal pastes, also known as "medication blistering" or "paste application blistering," is a distinctive external treatment method in traditional Chinese medicine. The herbal medication used in this therapy can cause some skin irritation. Since infants and young children have more delicate skin, they often experience more pronounced pain compared to adults. Therefore, if a child cries excessively after moxibustion, it is typically due to the pain caused by the treatment, and parents should take this seriously.

In such cases, parents should immediately check the application and consider shortening the duration or promptly removing the herbal paste to prevent skin burns. If blisters occur, it's essential to protect them to prevent infection, especially to prevent children from scratching and breaking the blisters.
