Spring is a good season for medical beauty

Release time:2023-11-22 14:55

Spring is a good season for medical beauty

Spring color is rich, let people yearn for, intoxicating. Autumn represents deep and calm, autumn is the harvest season. Autumn always seems to evoke endless stirrings in people's hearts, making them look at themselves from a different perspective. Autumn is also a suitable season for medical cosmetology, the selection of medical cosmetology in the more common eight kinds of introduction, to help beauty lovers in-depth understanding of the mystery, open the door of convenience for people to pursue beauty.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Deep skin regeneration removes melasma

Technical difficulty: ★★★

Beautiful change: ★★★★

Natural degree: ★★★★★

Melasma, a common acquired pigmentation skin disease that afflicts many women, tends to occur on the face. Most international medical experts believe that melasma is mainly caused by endocrine, but there is no obvious effective treatment in clinical treatment. After 5 years of in-depth research, Korean skin beauty experts found that melasma factors should not be endocrine disorders, but caused by skin aging.

On the basis of this conclusion, experts after years of painstaking research, hundreds of clinical observations and tests, deep skin regeneration was born. Deep skin regeneration, can remove the aging skin, let the face grow new skin, to achieve the purpose of removing melasma, scars and facial wrinkles. The problem of melasma has been solved, allowing many women to unload their hearts and face a good life calmly and confidently.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Deep whitening and tender skin

Technical difficulty: ★★

Beautiful change: ★★★

Natural degree: ★★★★

Skin care done in the beauty salon, the effect is often only to the skin surface, but can not maintain skin elasticity and prevent skin aging. The popular color light rejuvenation technique in Shanghai, however, can directly reach the dermis of the skin and directly act on the collagen cells of the dermis, so that the collagen in the skin can be regenerated, and truly achieve the role of deep skin care.

This technique can effectively improve skin texture, shrink pores and increase skin elasticity. Although the name of tender skin is new, it still belongs to the laser beauty category. Compared with traditional lasers, the new generation of beauty equipment has the function of selectively destroying "target" tissues (such as pigments, pigments, blood vessels, hair follicles, etc.) in treatment principle. While the "target" tissue is removed, the surrounding normal tissue structure is almost undamaged. Easy, deep tender skin, even if the summer sun is hot, you can also do a beautiful white skin, chic into the embrace of autumn.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Snow skin ice hair removal

Technical difficulty: ★

Beautiful change: ★★★

Natural degree: ★★★★★

Pretty face, beautiful figure, but because of too much body hair hurt the overall beauty. Under normal circumstances, body hair exists in the armpits, thighs, calves, backs of hands, arms, lips and other parts, really make women worry. Although there are many methods of hair removal, under normal circumstances, only the hair shaft that grows outside the skin can be removed, and the hair follicles can not be affected, so there will be repeated hair removal and repeated growth. The industry especially emphasizes that hair removal belongs to the category of medical beauty, women who want to hair removal must choose a professional medical institution, and hair removal is not done overnight, should cooperate with the doctor, according to the characteristics of hair growth in different parts, scientific hair removal, can have no worries.

Snow skin ice laser hair removal technology is widely used in this field of cutting-edge technology, in the ideal hair removal effect at the same time, but also can effectively protect the skin from heat damage, will not produce melanin deposition and inflammation. The light beam penetration of snow skin ice laser hair removal technology is strong, which can not only improve the efficacy of hair removal, but also avoid the treatment overlap formed by circular light spots, and truly achieve clean and painless hair removal, but also a smooth skin for beauty people.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Youth without mark acne

Technical difficulty: ★★★★

Beautiful change: ★★★

Natural degree: ★★★

Youth does not fight "acne", is the desire of many young people, but due to the strong metabolism of adolescence, resulting in excessive oil secretion, coupled with bacterial reproduction and other factors, often youth and acne exist at the same time. Sometimes adults are also plagued by acne, because the performance of acne is diverse, the weight is very different, so it is recommended to go to a specialized hospital, confirm the inherent nature of acne, and then find the appropriate method for treatment. If you have acne, don't worry, you should choose comprehensive treatment according to your own situation and the doctor's advice, maintain a relaxed and happy mood, and adjust the regular life. With active treatment, unsightly "little pimples" will surely disappear from your face.

At present, the compound color light used by the hospital to treat acne can not only remove the annoying acne, but also remove the marks and scars left by acne, comprehensively improve the skin, whitening and tender skin. With a sweep of colored light, youthful skin reappears.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Korean classic thin face

Technical difficulty: ★★★★★

Beautiful change: ★★★★

Natural degree: ★★★★★

A growing number of South Korean and Asian celebrities are going to plastic surgery hospitals in South Korea to have their faces shaped before they become famous. Through continuous practice and exploration, Korean plastic surgery experts summed up the Korean classic face slimming technology is sought after by many stars. Korean classic face slimming incision is very hidden, generally choose in the mouth or hairline, postoperative wound healing traces can not be seen, and is a molding. Classic Korean facial slimming, which has a natural and quick recovery after surgery, is becoming more and more popular.

Korean classic face slimming projects include: 1, square face to melon seed face; 2, high cheekbones to lower; 3, the chin lengthened and warped or shortened; 4, asymmetric face correction; 5, gnawing deformity correction; 6, lean masseter, etc. Korean classic face slimming surgery requirements are very strict, under the guidance of professional plastic surgeons to achieve the ideal facial shape effect. With the support of medical technology, melon seed face, oval face is not a dream. Korean classic thin face, make your dream come true.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

No prosthesis is required

Technical difficulty: ★★★

Beautiful change: ★★★★

Natural degree: ★★★★

An important characteristic of Orientals is a flat nose. So, rhinoplasty is very popular in the East. The anatomy of the nose is more complicated than it looks. From the inside out, it consists of nasal bone, periosteum, muscle layer, subcutaneous fat and skin. You can't do a successful rhinoplasty without knowing the anatomy. Korean rhinoplasty uses the nose tip of the recipient plus the recipient's own cartilage tissue to fill, change the traditional operation of the nose tip upturned, so that the nose looks more perfect and more coordinated.

A few months after surgery, X-rays fail to show the filling; In terms of technology, Korean rhinoplasty uses minimally invasive technology, the operation uses a small incision, no traces of surgery can be seen, the surgical effect is amazing; Aesthetically, Korean rhinoplasty is a comprehensive rectification of the nose, not only the height of the back of the nose, but also the strict repair of the nose tip, including the nasal wing, hypertrophy of the nostrils, nasal cartilage and so on. Korean nose plastic surgery operation is fine, aesthetic concept is mature, biological integration is good, this technology has risen to the category of art.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Stylish three-dimensional breast augmentation

Technical difficulty: ★★★★

Beautiful change: ★★★★★

Natural degree: ★★★★

Whether the breast is beautiful is one of the most concerned problems of modern women, and congenital dysplasia, breast atrophy after breastfeeding, endocrine dysfunction, breast disease surgery and so on will cause breast defects. Endoscopic stereoscopic breast augmentation is a stylish and safe breast augmentation procedure, unlike previous breast augmentation procedures performed outside the body, this procedure only requires an incision the size of a grain of rice, and under the supervision of an endoscope, the filling material is implanted into a complete cavity behind the breast, so as to avoid the penetration of the filling material into the breast tissue.

Generally speaking, adult women who are in good health and do not have serious organic diseases can receive breast augmentation surgery, but young women under the age of 18 should not be prematurely implemented. At present, the most commonly used breast implants are silicone implants, and a large number of clinical investigations have shown that it is harmless to the human body. Silicone implant contents are divided into normal saline and medical silicon gel, the former is easier to insert and remove, the latter feels more natural. The use of advanced medical technology to help women curves, so that they stand tall in the face of the eyes of the world.

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

360-degree liposuction slimming

Technical difficulty: ★★★★★

Beautiful change: ★★★★

Natural degree: ★★★★

Women want to have the devil's figure, and circular directed liposuction technology can help people achieve this goal. Circular directional liposuction technology is suitable for human face, neck, shoulder and back, abdomen, buttocks, lower limbs and other non-physiological parts of the local fat accumulation, circular directional liposuction technology can be described as a 360-degree all-round way to remove fat. The technology adopts the resonance principle, selectively breaks the fat cells, makes them liquid, and uses negative pressure to absorb the fat cells that have been liquefied under the skin, quickly and effectively improves the body shape, and achieves the purpose of weight loss and body shaping.
