5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Taking Care of Your Wig

Release time:2023-09-20 09:13


Taking proper care of your wig is essential to ensure its longevity and maintain its natural appearance. However, there are several common mistakes that people make when caring for their wigs, which can lead to damage and a shorter lifespan. In this article, we will explore five of these mistakes and provide you with expert advice on how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Incorrect Washing Technique

One of the most common mistakes wig owners make is using the wrong washing technique. It is important to remember that wigs are not the same as your natural hair and require different care. Avoid using regular shampoos and conditioners, as they can be too harsh and strip the wig fibers. Instead, opt for specially formulated wig shampoos and conditioners, which are gentle and designed to maintain the wig's quality.

When washing your wig, fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a small amount of wig shampoo. Gently swish the wig around in the water for a few minutes, making sure to avoid rubbing or scrubbing. Rinse the wig thoroughly with lukewarm water and apply conditioner, focusing on the ends. After a few minutes, rinse the conditioner out and gently pat the wig dry with a towel, avoiding any wringing or squeezing.

Mistake 2: Improper Brushing Technique

Brushing your wig is crucial to detangle any knots and maintain its shape. However, many people make the mistake of using regular brushes or combs on their wigs, which can cause damage and breakage. Instead, use a wig brush or wide-toothed comb specifically designed for wigs.

Start by detangling the ends of your wig and gradually work your way up towards the roots, gently brushing or combing in small sections. Avoid applying too much pressure or pulling on the wig, as this can lead to shedding or even bald spots. Remember to always brush or comb in a downward motion, starting from the roots and moving towards the ends.

Mistake 3: Heat Styling Without Protection

Heat styling tools, such as flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers, can transform your wig into different styles. However, using these tools without proper protection can cause irreparable damage to the wig fibers. Before applying any heat, make sure to use a heat protectant spray specifically formulated for wigs.

Set your heat styling tools to a low or medium temperature setting and avoid exposing the wig to high heat for extended periods. Divide the wig into smaller sections and slowly work through each section with the styling tool, using a gentle and continuous motion. After styling, allow the wig to cool completely before brushing or combing through it.

Mistake 4: Storing Improperly

Proper storage is crucial to maintain the shape and appearance of your wig when you're not wearing it. The common mistake many people make is storing their wigs on a regular hanger or simply tossing them aside. This can cause the wig to lose its shape and become tangled.

Invest in a wig stand or wig head to store your wig when it's not in use. Place the wig on the stand or head, making sure the hair is smooth and tangle-free. Avoid placing any heavy objects on top of the wig, as this can cause unnecessary pressure and deformation.

Mistake 5: Ignoring Professional Maintenance

While you can take care of your wig on your own, it is important to schedule regular visits to a professional wig stylist for maintenance. Wig stylists have the expertise and tools to properly clean, style, and trim your wig, ensuring it looks its best.

During these maintenance visits, the stylist can also inspect the wig for any signs of damage or wear, allowing them to make any necessary repairs before it becomes irreparable. Professional maintenance will not only extend the lifespan of your wig but also keep it looking fresh and natural.


Taking care of your wig requires attention to detail and avoiding common mistakes. By using the correct washing and brushing techniques, protecting it during heat styling, storing it properly, and seeking professional maintenance, you can ensure that your wig stays in excellent condition for a long time. Remember, investing a little extra time and effort in caring for your wig can greatly enhance its longevity and keep you looking fabulous.
