Is It Better to Exercise in the Morning or Evening? Morning Workouts Can Lower Blood Sugar

Release time:2023-10-28 10:42

Is It Better to Exercise in the Morning or Evening? Morning Workouts Can Lower Blood Sugar

As fitness and wellness trends continue to gain popularity, many individuals, including those in their 90s, have joined the daily fitness and wellness routines. But what's the better time for exercise, in the morning or in the evening? When is the optimal time to work out during the day?

Is It Better to Exercise in the Morning or Evening? Morning Workouts Can Lower Blood Sugar_hair milos forman  

Morning or Evening Exercise: Which Is Better?

Both morning and evening workouts can be effective—it depends on your personal lifestyle and schedule.

However, if you aim to lose weight, morning workouts may be more effective for burning fat. On the other hand, if you're focused on building muscle and fitness, evening workouts might be preferable.

Best Time for Evening Exercise: Before Dinner

After a busy day's work, you may find yourself mentally and physically fatigued. Engaging in exercise during the late afternoon or early evening, right before dinner, can help alleviate mental stress and promote overall well-being.

By the late afternoon or early evening, after a full day of work, your body is more adaptable to exercise. It has better oxygen absorption capacity than in the morning. Additionally, your sense of smell, touch, and vision is most acute between 5 and 7 PM, making it the ideal time for physical activity.

Is It Better to Exercise in the Morning or Evening? Morning Workouts Can Lower Blood Sugar

Morning Exercise: Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

During the morning hours, engaging in vigorous exercise can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in a sudden and intense change in the body. This can affect your overall energy levels throughout the day and may be detrimental to your health. Moreover, blood sugar levels are typically lower in the morning, and exercise can lead to significant glucose consumption, potentially causing symptoms of low blood sugar.

On the other hand, exercising in the late afternoon or evening can be influenced by various external factors such as work, job responsibilities, and household chores. However, modern exercise physiology research suggests that the body's physical performance peaks in the evening. For instance, the lowest point of oxygen absorption occurs around 6:00 PM. Heart rate and blood pressure reach their most balanced state between 5:00 and 6:00 PM, and the body's senses, such as smell, touch, and vision, are most sensitive between 5:00 and 7:00 PM.

Furthermore, hormone activity and overall sensitivity are at their best between 4:00 and 7:00 PM. This makes the late afternoon and early evening hours ideal for exercise. However, it's crucial to monitor exercise intensity during the evening, as high-intensity workouts can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and hinder sleep quality.
