Four Characteristics of Qi and Blood Deficiency in Women and Five Tips to Replenish Them

Release time:2023-10-31 11:33

Four Characteristics of Qi and Blood Deficiency in Women and Five Tips to Replenish Them

Traditional Chinese medicine has always emphasized the importance of Qi and blood in the human body. A sufficient flow of Qi and blood has a positive impact on bodily functions. When Qi and blood are deficient, it can have various effects on the body, and these effects are often noticeable in one's appearance. For example, in women, insufficient Qi and blood may lead to a loss of rosy and radiant complexion, resulting in a pale or sallow appearance, and an overall lack of vitality. So, how can one recognize the signs of Qi and blood deficiency in women?

What Are the Signs of Qi and Blood Deficiency?

Severe Hair Loss: Hair becomes dry, brittle, and prone to splitting. The tips may turn yellow and break easily, often forming knots. Excessive hair shedding when combing is a clear sign of poor nourishment of hair follicles and roots, leading to unstable hair growth.

Dull and Yellowed Skin: The skin appears dull, yellowish, rough, and lacks elasticity. Up close, you may notice closed comedones on the face, uneven skin tones around the nose and lips, which are all signs of Qi and blood deficiency.

Lackluster Eyes: The whites of the eyes may take on a yellowish tint and lack luster. This can give a sense of dullness, and people may often feel the need to rub their eyes. Heavy eyelids and a constant desire to blink can be signs of insufficient Qi and blood, particularly a deficiency in liver Qi.

Cold Extremities: Qi and blood deficiency can result in cold hands and feet or sweaty palms. This lowered body temperature can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to frequent illnesses.

How to Address Qi and Blood Deficiency

Avoid Prolonged Nights: Consistently staying up late and getting insufficient sleep leads to an overworked body. Without the necessary rest and recovery, it can deplete the body's Qi and blood over time, ultimately causing deficiency.

Reduce Excessive Dieting: While many women aim for a slim figure, excessive dieting can result in malnutrition and low blood sugar, which hampers blood circulation. This loss of blood can be quite severe.

Drink Rose Tea: Rose is a beloved flower among women, known for its ability to replenish Qi and blood, regulate menstrual cycles, ease liver stagnation, and provide beauty benefits. Drinking rose tea regularly can help restore Qi and blood and contribute to anti-aging efforts.

Mulberries: Mulberries are rich in iron, with 100 grams of dried mulberries containing 42.5 milligrams of iron. They are often referred to as "blood-boosting fruits." Consider adding a few dried mulberries to your porridge or beverages to enhance your Qi and blood, as well as promote beauty and anti-aging.

Black-Boned Chicken: Black-boned chicken is an excellent choice for women looking to supplement their Qi and blood. It is effective in nourishing the blood, regulating menstruation, moisturizing the skin, and providing anti-aging benefits. Regularly consuming black-boned chicken soup is a good option.

For women with Qi and blood deficiency, maintaining a moderate level of daily physical activity can be beneficial for improving Qi and blood. However, avoid high-intensity exercise, as it can deplete energy reserves and have a severe impact on those with Qi and blood deficiency. Typically, engaging in some aerobic exercise can help replenish Qi and blood.
