Hair loss is the most common issue, and psychological hair loss often troubles young people!

Release time:2023-09-11 17:22

Hair loss is the most common issue, and psychological hair loss often troubles young people!

Although everyone loses hair after a certain point, it doesn't mean that everyone's hair loss type is the same. The most common type of hair loss we encounter in our daily lives is male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia), followed by psychological hair loss, and physical hair loss, among others. Do you know what type of hair loss you have? Below, we will briefly introduce several common types of hair loss.

Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia): Male pattern baldness, also known as seborrheic alopecia, generally occurs in males, hence the name male pattern baldness. The main causes of male pattern baldness are genetics and abnormal levels of male hormones. After male pattern baldness occurs, the amount of hair loss continuously increases. It manifests as a receding hairline in the frontal area and thinning of hair on the crown. Male pattern baldness can eventually develop into a "Mediterranean" or "bald spot."

Psychological Hair Loss: A common type of hair loss among modern young people is psychological hair loss. It occurs because individuals are under significant mental stress for an extended period and do not know how to alleviate that stress, leading to hair loss. The amount of hair loss in cases of psychological hair loss can change rapidly with changes in mental state. Without timely intervention, it can also develop into baldness.

Physical Hair Loss: This refers to hair loss caused by physical factors, such as tying hair too tightly or parting hair for an extended period.

Nutritional Hair Loss: This type of hair loss occurs due to a lack of nutrition or an unbalanced diet that affects the scalp environment, leading to hair loss. For example, consuming a diet high in spicy or oily foods can negatively impact the scalp and result in hair loss.

Alopecia Areata: Alopecia areata is another common type of hair loss that occurs suddenly. It is related to factors such as stress and intense emotional changes. People with alopecia areata may experience round or oval patches of hair loss on their scalps.

With an increasing number of people experiencing hair loss, and at younger ages, hair loss has become a widely concerning issue. In this environment, it is essential to have an understanding of hair loss so that we can calmly address it when it occurs and take steps to improve the condition as quickly as possible.
